Sunday 28 June 2015

Otaku Cupcakes

Hello my fellow otakus, Sophie Senpai here! Sorry I've not been blogging for a very very long time. 
I am here to inform that me and lucy-chan on Saturday (27/06/15) made some pretty snazzy cupcakes. We made little lollipops with Dangos, vocaloid and our favourite anime characters Chibi style. Here's a picture:
This is just a simple cupcake recipe but me and lucy-chan had decided to be a bit creative with the cocktail stick decorations that came with the cases. If you would like cupcake decorations like these then here's how you make them.

You will need:
Your finished cupcakes (you can use any cupcake recipe)
Cocktail sticks (the number of sticks depends on how many cupcakes you make)
Pencils/colouring pencils

Draw circles on your paper (draw the same number as of how many cupcakes you've got). Once you've drawn the circles, draw whatever you want within the circles, you can draw an anime character, symbol or quote, it's your choice, then colour it in. Once you've done that, cut out the circles with your scissors. After that, use the sellotape to stick the cocktail sticks onto the back of your drawings. Finally stick your Otaku decorations into your cupcakes and ENJOY! (=^o^=)

Remember you can use these to decorate anything it doesn't always have to be cupcakes, use your imagination.

Have a good one <3 
By Sophie-Senpai and Lucy-Chan

1 comment:

  1. OM NOM NOM. me wants somes.
    Me England is goodist

