Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Kuroko No Basket!!!

SPOILERS!! (...duhh)


The basketball team -Teikō Middle School rose to distinction by demolishing all competition. The regulars of the team were all prodigys and became known as the "Generation of Miracles". After graduating from middle school, these five stars went to different high schools with top basketball teams. However, there was another player that most didn't know about, In the "Generation of Miracles": a phantom sixth man. This mysterious player is now a freshman at Seirin High, a new school with a powerful, if little-known, team. Now, Kuroko Tetsuya- the sixth member of the "Generation of Miracles", and Kagami Taiga- a naturally talented player who spent most of middle school in the US, aim to bring Seirin to the top of Japan and begin taking on Kuroko's former teammates one by one.

While in Middle School, Kuroko was referred to as the shadow, he was only helpful if his team was good, he was a reflection of them. His lack of presence, was his strongest weapon, which all our him to make skilful passes using misdirection. He had become good friends with a guy called Aomine and eventually he became the light to Kurokos shadow. Unfortunately this was not to last and after Aomine' s prodigy skills came out he got bored of basketball and felt he no longer needed Kuroko. He began to drift away from him, and eventually, when Kuroko offered their fist bump-a mark of friendship- he simply ignored it and walked away.

Kuroko later meets Kagami, who becomes his new light. Kuroko states that he will make him the best in Japan.

This sports anime is seriously amazing! I recommend it to everyone (even if you don't usually like sports!!) . The games are never boring and the characters pasts and personalities always leave you curious, wanting more. The animation is especially cool, I LOVE THE BLUE LINE THING whenever Kuroko makes his awesome pass!! It's also got a really nice art style. The entrance songs are great too!

I've also read the manga and have to say that I loved it just as much as the anime! (Which I didn't expect, I usually prefer the sport animes for the action feel but this manga managed to pull that part off all on its own!)

This is definitely one of my favourites!!!!

It gets a lot of criticism about being to unrealsitic and stuff like that, But I honestly don't think that that was much of a problem. The one thing which did bug me was the whole 'zone' thing, and how (in the manga) there's a zone inside a zone? It just got a little confusing and didn't really make much sense.

So far there's been 2 seasons and a 3rd expected to come out 2015!! (I'm very excited for that!)
There is also rumered to be a new manga series coming out, though I'm not sure when... ;)

Anyway..... go get watching/reading!!!

     -  Lu-Chan

Ps, my pics won't load at the moments, so I'll add them later ;)

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